
One day spent with a wise man

One day spent with a wise man

Project progress

« A people ignorant of his history is like a tree without roots »

Marcus Garvey (1887-1940)

In the heart of the Reunion Island, at the bottom of a ravine, live an old man. André was born in 1930, it will be the eldest of a family of eleven children. He was born here, he never left, it will end here. This film tells his story and his vision of an island changing so fast.
The “Gramoune” as affectionately called the Creole language is the guarantor of the oral history, at least one piece of the puzzle from thousands of others is safe. This puzzle, once assembled, is the oral historical heritage of the Reunion Island. Unfortunately at the time we believe it is easy to store and transmit information through new technologies; internet, digital books, digital cameras, mobiles, etc. The pieces are lost and inevitably disappear. The box was empty. Over time, it becomes impossible to complete the puzzle, to tell the story in its entirety.

This documentary is a tribute to Andrew, our ” Gramoune “. A portrait of an atypical character with true and sincere words. Let’s hear it, let’s live a full day of his life so far away, but so close to us.

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